Electron Microscopy Deal

Limited Time Only

Gain insight into your material composition and surface characteristics.


SEM(-EDX) analysis

From €89,- per Sample ex. BTW

Contact Us

Accessible material testing for all


We strongly recommend to develop the material testing competence yourself in our laboratory. We help you developing these competences by providing a wide range of trainings. However, in some situations it might be more convenient if the test is executed by the Lab Aces team. We are happy to perform the tests including reporting as a service to our customers. Want a more hands-off aproach? Our consultancy takes everything out of your hands and promises to deliver results.

Testing Services

We analyze your application with the suitable material testing method to get the most relevant information to improve your products and processes.


Dealing with a larger scale challenge? We offer consultancy to solve your process and material related challenges. From adhesive reliability to contamination control, we will find the right solution for you.

Lab Aces

You can contact us either by phone or email. You are also always welcome to come by for a cup of coffee.

Contact Info

(+31) 0619137938


De Run 29, 5684 PW Best